A small selection of my previous work demonstrating some of my youth engagement content, interactive content and short form content for social media engagement for brands which could inform similar content for youth engagement.

This is a small selection of video content pieces from more than 400 pieces of content produced over two years for the @yourpolice.uk youth engagement Instagram channel. The channel was set up to engage children and young people with UK policing, law and youth issues.
'The Truth About Being NEET' is a series of short videos made for Brighton Integrated Youth Support Service, in which young people not in education employment or training (NEET) talk honestly about their experiences.
The videos were made in collaboration with a range of young people with the intention of helping other young people who may find themselves in a similar situation.
This style of content was well-received as it came directly from young people and was perceived to be authentic and honest.
This is a small example reel of short-form video ads for social media - 6s, 10s and 15s - advertising a couple of interactive narrative phone apps which are targeted at young people on Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook.
This style (i.e. short, sharp hooks with a call to action) is proven to boost engagement and I'd recommend looking at this and other short form content for inspiration and to boost initial engagement with young people on social media.
This project 'Becoming a Whale Heritage Site' is an example of an interactive video project, produced to increase engagement with its target audience.
Interactive content achieves consistently higher engagement levels in digital marketing campaigns so I'd suggest developing interactive content to engage with young people.
This is a demo of an interactive video app I founded and designed.
It was aimed at YouTube Creators and their audiences and was intended to allow the audiences to easily find the products that the creators were talking about.
As an interactive video platform it could also link to other videos, text or graphic content from anywhere on the web, making it another method of interactive storytelling.